Ninel's Profile

it’s been a year since i’ve been on here

Sunday Jun 9, 2024, 8:58 PM




Last online: 6-28-2024 7:41pm
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • :-)
  • Profile Views: 4,136

Ninel's Friends

A lot has changed so let’s redo my intro!

Hiiieeee my name is Ninel (again thank you to my parents for the lovely name!) and here is my updated profile!

I am a devoted Apostolic pentecostal but I LOVE CRAFTS especially kandi!

Fav hobbies:

Crocheting, kandi, playing games, hanging out with friends, helping at church, skating, shopping, watching shows/movies and baking!

That’s all for now lol but hope you are doing amazing and GOD BLESS YOU!

pssstttsss down here ——> (any lauvers/laufey fans FRIEND ME

Ninel's Published Patterns

Displaying 1-7 of 7 patterns

Ninel's Other Patterns

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