_LloydEXE's Profile

"It Was Never Meant To Be..." - Eret

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022, 3:38 PM




Last online: 1-24-2023 9:26am
  • Gender: ur mum (She/They/He/It)
  • Mississippi, United States
  • Profile Views: 2,904

_LloydEXE's Friends

Hey There Lol!! My name's Lloyd :] I'm 16. I'm Bi, Ace, and Poly :D!! I use She/They/He/It pronouns 2! I'm obsessed with music, it's my favorite thing ever! I also love drawing, cosplay, makeup, emo/scene fashion, and mcyts!! I've also been to the Trinity of Terror Tour on November 7th and yes I brag about it all the time xD!!

_LloydEXE's Photos

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