Parx_boys_are_life's Profile


Thursday Jul 6, 2023, 2:29 PM




Last online: 5-30-2024 6:45pm
  • Gender: Female (She/Her)
  • America, But I Wish It Was The U.K.
  • Profile Views: 5,604

Parx_boys_are_life's Friends

i love making jewelry and listening to music.

My birthday is july 28th

You can call me Sydney, Sid (Sid the sloth, Sid the science kid are my most used nicknames tho lol)

Fandoms I’m in atm-

Twenty one pilots, 5sos, mcr, Waterparks, Avril lavigne

I like anything to do with mushrooms, hippie era, 80s, and 90s

Quote of the day- " I'm gonna snatch that diploma and I'm gonna run like h311 outta here." - Eddie Munson

I stan Awsten Knight

If you ever wanna talk feel free to message me anytime! I'm always free to talk about anything, anytime. If you message me something that could be sensitive you don’t necessarily have to put a trigger warning on it. So if I come off as rude or blunt I don’t mean it necessarily, it’s just how my brain processes things, and I’m doing better at rereading what I type before I post things.

I don’t use tone tags because they kind of confuse me, so if you want me to use them I may need explanation on how to use them

I watch officedrummer on twitch

My tumblr is thinkingofawsten , I mainly reblog things rn

I don’t understand why my iPad autocorrects things that don’t need to be corrected so if something sounds wrong it’s probably my bad typing or autocorrect.

Parx_boys_are_life's Photos

Displaying 41-48 of 48 photos


Matching My Chem Bracelets For My Bestfriend And I
  • 478
  • 0


My New Drawing <3
  • 523
  • 6


My New Kandi Necklace
  • 298
  • 1


Mushroom Kandi Cuff
  • 260
  • 1


Fully Finished Rotating Cuff
  • 317
  • 2


Rotating Piece
  • 218
  • 0

Parx_boys_are_life's Other Patterns

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