ZoombiipAwz07's Profile

I’m busy with school rn :(

Saturday Jan 14, 2023, 7:00 PM




Last online: 9-25-2023 4:02pm
  • Gender: Non binary genderfluid (They/them he/they )
  • Hamburgar City, Of Fries, Petoria
  • Profile Views: 2,099

ZoombiipAwz07's Friends

Hiii! I’m new to this site! I love doing Kandi!

I will be posting some kandi creationspictures and patters! :) I hope to be friends with some of you all! <3

Have a wonderful day/night!!

ZoombiipAwz07's Photos

Displaying 1-3 of 3 photos

ZoombiipAwz07's Published Patterns

Displaying 1-2 of 2 patterns

ZoombiipAwz07's Other Patterns

The user chose to share these patterns but they have not been approved onto the site. Unless they are approved they will not show in search or categories, but are viewable from here.


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