Goodsoup's Profile

happy new year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday Dec 31, 2023, 2:15 PM




Last online: 1-04-2024 3:33pm

Goodsoup's Friends


gender: agender nonbinary

pronouns: they/it and cat related neos!

i love kandi

a newly awakened cat therian!

looking for furry,therian,alterhuman,ect freinds

i have too many genders! another intro,hi!

i go by ghost im 13 im nonbinary and aroace and questioning agender

pronouns are they/it

i love kandi

and i LOVE TADC.

why are u down here?

dni: younger than 10 ,older then 25, does not support lgbt anti -mogai z00s/ pedos ,ppl that dont support therians/furrys.

i hate the ytber pxrge

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