K0rv1d_k4n1d's Profile




Last online: 4-30-2024 8:11pm
  • Gender: boyflux (he/they)
  • Your Mom's House, Sweet Home Alabama, United States
  • Profile Views: 279

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KATAMARI - Femtanyl

1:52 ────❍── 2:39

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Volume: ■■■■■■■■■■ 100%


-[ Bruises on my neck, just a doll of flesh ]-

❍ Corvid

❍ He/they

❍ Boyflux, queer

-[ You'll find my smoking body hung in wires overhead ]-

❍ 14

❍ July 20

-[ At your bark and collar, just forget I'm someone's daughter ]-

❍ Kandi maker

❍ Digital/Traditional artist

-[ I can't ever fuck it up if I don't ever even bother ]-


K0rv1d_k4n1d's Photos

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Some Of My Kandi!
  • 223
  • 2

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