CometzKornr's Profile

y*l* (translation: yolo)

Saturday May 18, 2024, 1:40 PM




Last online: 5-24-2024 9:43am
  • Gender: N*nbinary (translation: nonbinary) (they/it/xe/we/star/space/venus/*urself (translation: ourself))
  • Y*ur Walls (translation: Your Walls)
  • Profile Views: 788

CometzKornr's Friends

average h*mestuck fan!!1!!!! i live by PLUR!! <3


Name: C*met

Gender: N*nbinary

Nationality: Pastey white b*y /hj

Religion: Hellinism

Disorders: Anxiety, Selective mutism, Questi*ning Audhd


(translation: average homestuck fan!!1!!!! i live by PLUR!! <3 Name: Comet Gender: Nonbinary Nationality: Pastey white boy /hj Religion: Hellinism Disorders: Anxiety, Selective mutism, Questioning Audhd)

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