Poison0us_ChumBucket's Profile

YOOOOOOOOO its dave time :)

Monday Oct 4, 2021, 11:50 AM




Last online: 2-04-2024 3:10am
  • Gender: Transmasc // Male (He/Him :3)
  • WA, USA
  • Profile Views: 1,670

Poison0us_ChumBucket's Friends

☆彡2024 UPDATE!☆彡

Welcome back! Thank you, Thank you, Its been fun!

My name is still Dave, I still identify as a guy and I am SO MUCH OLDER NOW! Definitely calmed down a bit ww

Its been forever since I last used this site, but I’m in a more social sort of group now (Rollerskaters!) and wanted to make some more kandi for my friends!

— Deets —

When did you start?

Got my own beads in 2020, 2017 for Scene + Rave culture, 2010 if you count my first kandi!

What do you like?

Right now I’m obsessed with stars. I think the shape looks nice on me! I also play mostly Mario games because I got a hyper-fixation on bowser!

What don’t you like?

Lace, Suspicious noises (ex. Quick clicks, Booms, etc.), and being stuck on one thing.

Where have you been?

Had school, Grew up, Got a job and now I have more hobbies! I’m having a lot of fun existing as a real person! I work at a skate rink


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