J3t_st4r's Profile

Gloomy is back :)

Sunday Dec 26, 2021, 6:46 PM




Last online: 8-20-2022 11:51am
  • Gender: genderfluid (he/she/it/they)
  • Somewhere Between Life And Death
  • Profile Views: 999

J3t_st4r's Friends

Nobody has added me as a friend yet :(

My n4m3 1s GL00MY (My name is Gloomy)

Th3y/sh3/1t (they/she/it)

K41t0 plu5h13 (Kaito plushie)

Huggy 1s my c0mf0rt ch4r4ct3r (Huggy is my comfort character

: )

J3t_st4r's Photos

J3t_st4r's Other Patterns

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