Haileereneewsk's Profile




Last online: 11-18-2022 8:17am
  • Profile Views: 994

Haileereneewsk's Friends

Hi there! I'm Hailee :)

I love making perler patterns and bringing them to life as well as singles and cuffs. I do more perler than cuffs tho

if you have any questions, send me a message on here or on discord [ my discord is haileereneewsk#4244 ]

I also love making designs for others so if that's something you're interested in send me a message :)

lastly, if you want some friends, add me :) I'd love to talk and share designs.

Don't forget to take care of yourselves and hydrate!and no, monster doesn't count loves gets some water :)

Much love <3

Haileereneewsk's Published Patterns

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Haileereneewsk's Other Patterns

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