Crazycookiemp3's Profile

my friend bought me a ptv poster on temu im sobbing XD

Friday May 24, 2024, 1:10 PM




Last online: 6-30-2024 9:10pm
  • Gender: male (he/him/they)
  • Somewhere, California, United States
  • Profile Views: 8,545

Crazycookiemp3's Friends

I very rarely accept friend requests, unless i actually know you or we share uncommon interests :) plz dont take it personally if i deny your request

been in a sort of kandi slump for the past year or so

newish to the mcr fandom, also redirecting my focus back to good omens since my dad has started to watch it

tone tags are appreciated, not needed all the time tho

if you give me general bad vibes im probably not gonna interact with you, same if you fit basic dni (pdfile, zoo, etc etc)

previously known as CodyMakesKandi

member since late 2021 :)

Crazycookiemp3's Photos


J**k Pumpkin Dsaf
  • 422
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