Ac1dic_n3o's Profile

Welcome to Game Theory !! :)

Monday Apr 18, 2022, 8:01 AM




Last online: 7-03-2024 5:05am
  • Gender: Male (he/they)
  • Ketterdam
  • Profile Views: 1,815

Ac1dic_n3o's Friends

heyo!! im neo!

im a disabled teen thats probably procrastinating or watching bluey rn

my fav shows:

shadow and bone


bluey >:0000

red band society

brooklyn nine nine (granted it's not my most favorite rn after watching it 20 times ;-;)

ive been doing kandi for two years, and i think im pretty good at it

tubular stitch hater (im looking at you, cellini spiral >:( )

Ac1dic_n3o's Published Patterns

Dollkin Paw
  • 546
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Ac1dic_n3o's Other Patterns

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