XXJustJoking8P's Profile

Daw, I've never posted a status- :(

Thursday Feb 10, 2022, 6:07 AM




Last online: 5-25-2022 5:53am
  • Gender: Femaaaaaale (She/her)
  • Profile Views: 1,846

XXJustJoking8P's Friends


☆ Hi! Call me Joking! <33

☆ I'm a girl and a kiddo minor :P

☆ I'm a scene kid! : D (Scenecore and scene are NOT the same thing, thank u very much! U3U)

☆ I'm a Christian (Non-denom)! Remember Jesus loves you! <33

☆ I wanna learn how to make kandi :3


☆ Fandoms ☆ - FNaF, Creepypasta, MLP:FiM, Steven Universe, Crash Bandicoot (Things I like but am not in the fandom of: Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, Red Vs. Blue, Danganronpa (Not V3, V3 sucks imo-), Invader Zim, Cookie Run (I just like playing the game, lol), Slime Rancher, LPS, Animal Crossing)

☆ Interests ☆ - Drawing, Writing, OC making, scene/emo 2000s stuff, the 2000s in general, kandi! (I don't make any though, it's just cool to look at!)


☆ Some things to know about me ☆

☆ When I put a dash (-) at the end of my sentences, it means I'm being lighthearted or joking (But I'll tell you when I'm joking unless your like a really close friend cause then you'll just know, lol)

☆ I'm scene as hecc but I don't type incorrectly (L1k3 D1Z) and would prefer that, if you do, you don't do it when talking to me cause... It's hard to read-

☆ I cuss sometimes so uHHH tell me if that makes you uncomfortable! ùwú

☆ If you need advice on being scene, DM me! :D


@CoNN13Killz owns dis bio ;P


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