R4zzle_d4zzle's Profile




Last online: 5-06-2024 11:53am
  • Gender: gnc, agender, trans man (he/it/xe and any neos but i like rose/thorn best)
  • Profile Views: 1,047

R4zzle_d4zzle's Friends

I like zelda, persona 5, ninjago, Monster prom, UT/DR, Obey me, Smile for me, psychonauts, and much more

Dni Msi fans (don't care what you wanna say, go lick that kiddie fiddlers boot somewhere else), sidlink and zelimpa shippers or just proshippers in general, matpat fans (don't care + didn't ask ), or just anyone i find annoying

autistic + OCD + whatever the hell else i got

If you're gonna try and talk to me about TOTK, specifically to praise it, don't bother i hate both TOTK and BOTW

I'm Gay and on the Aroace-spec

if you wanna know more about me or just talk to me regularly go to my insta im only really active there or Tumblr

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