Sillysprinkleg0re's Profile


Friday Mar 22, 2024, 4:44 PM




Last online: 6-30-2024 3:54pm

Sillysprinkleg0re's Friends

Heloo!!!!! Im Lote/Brea/any of my kin names!!!

I hope we can be frens on this website and make Kandi together!!! I'm very shy so I try my very best (plus ppl r scary <:,( )

Thimgs i like/LOVE!!!!!!1: Hatsune miku, Invader Zim, Yippee/tbh creature, Kandi/PLUR!!!!, ICP (Insane clown posse WHOOP WHOOP!!1!), and more!!!!!!!!1!

I hope we can be frens!!! xP

(i'll try to be active on here!! but my discord is idrawalote#1796 )

Sillysprinkleg0re's Published Patterns

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