Llorromania's Profile

my stuff isn't that good but ok

Monday Dec 12, 2022, 8:59 AM




Last online: 5-30-2024 12:39pm
  • Gender: no (any pronouns)
  • Profile Views: 1,855

Llorromania's Friends

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๑✦Name: Loki/Coda

๑✦Gender: Gender void

๑✦Pronouns: Any

๑✦Sexuality: Aroace lesbian


๑✦Likes: Menhera, tbhk, pj sekai, vocaloid, toh, omori, lain, harujuku fashion, music, art, kandi (duh), and sweets

๑✦Dislikes: Bigots of all kinds, fake claimers, tendons, and tomatoes

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Llorromania's Published Patterns

Displaying 1-11 of 11 patterns

Llorromania's Other Patterns

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