IncohearantScreaming's Profile




Last online: 7-01-2024 2:18pm
  • Gender: gender fluid (he/they/xe/it)
  • Profile Views: 439

IncohearantScreaming's Friends

hiya! i dont really know what to put here but hi!!! Im new to this website and all but ive been making kandi since the beggining of this year!!

some of my interests includeeee; dhmis, welcome home, sander sides, kandi ofc, Danny Gonzalez, musicals, i play omori sometimes but im not that good at it

some musicals that are my fav are heathers, newsies, bmc, tgwdlm, and something rotten!!!!

i have disc if anyone wants to be friends on there anddddd yea!

IncohearantScreaming's Published Patterns

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