M0zz1sc00l's Profile


Tuesday Jan 2, 2024, 12:28 PM




Last online: 7-03-2024 11:30am
  • Gender: Fluid (He/they/xe/it)
  • Profile Views: 561

M0zz1sc00l's Friends

HEY >:3

My names Moss!! I use he/they/xe Pronouns and I'm 14 yrs old X3



-Terry Pratchett books

-kandi, duhhh

-obey me, starting to watch yuri on ice

-sander sides




-ocean life in general


-and aloooot more stuff I can't even think of right meow :3

I'm opening commissions for kandi!! Saving up to move in eith my dad, hopefully soon opening an etsy!!

That's all I can think to add rn, but plsplspls friend me, I need more friends who know how to make kandi :3

M0zz1sc00l's Photos

Displaying 1-9 of 9 photos

M0zz1sc00l's Published Patterns

Clown Tie
  • 817
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M0zz1sc00l's Other Patterns

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