Leglessghost's Profile

being gay

Friday Jul 14, 2023, 4:43 PM




Last online: 7-01-2024 9:06pm
  • Gender: gay trans man (he/vamp/ghost)
  • Alberta, Canada
  • Profile Views: 886

Leglessghost's Friends

hii :3c

my names raymond, but i also go by strider or crow!!!

i like homestuck, creepypasta, persona, hlvrai, adventure time, and a whole ton more of things. im autistic and i have adhd, my special interest is gaming !!!

dni: basic dni criteria, PROSHIP, and dsmp or jschlatt fans !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! proshippers r not welcome interacting with my page at all

pfp by blkventi on twt and clowndots on instaa

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