Nu_Uh's Profile

Hello! I hope you have a good day!

Saturday Sep 30, 2023, 11:10 PM




Last online: 3-19-2024 6:45pm
  • Gender: Demigirl (She/Her/Them)
  • Profile Views: 594

Nu_Uh's Friends

Hi! I am new to kandi and started on 8/22/23 so it was kinda hard to find patterns I was comfortable with. On this account I hope to help begginers. I hope I have support! <3 (If I use red on a cuff and don't say something in the title of it you dont put it, soory if its confusing)

Nu_Uh's Photos

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Patrick Star!
  • 157
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Nu_Uh's Published Patterns

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Nu_Uh's Other Patterns

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