Bentley_ATE_you's Profile

I freaking love my husband

Friday May 31, 2024, 8:00 PM




Last online: 6-27-2024 1:11pm
  • Gender: DONT CAAARE!! (Any)
  • Ding Dong City, Texas, ‘merica?!
  • Profile Views: 219

Bentley_ATE_you's Friends

HEYA GUYSSS I’m Bentley obviously and uh this is my bio

• my husband drew the pfp :D

• I LOVE CATS THEYRE SO CUTE ITS MY FAVORITE ANIMAL and my other ones are rats and raccoons and whatever blah blah

• rn I’m kinda in a Kandi burnout phase cuz I ran out of energy making a huge cuff (it’s not even halfway done TwT)

• I never got like diagnosed with anything bcuz my brother is like rlly autistic and acts up a lot so he got tested more but I think I might have adhd or sm

• am christian yayippeeya

• some stuff I like is Garfield, kandi obv, stuffed animals, any music that’s good, ummm…. Oh yeah and I play clarinet

• I like social studies or history in school cuz it’s fun and the teacher is rlly nice and cool

• I’m open to dms so feel free to message and chat with me about anything because IM LONELY AS THE SPIDER IN THE CORNER OF MY CEILING

• I like some horror movies but I mostly can’t watch them cuz I don’t have the right things to watch them on bcuz ye and I'm not allowed to D:

• I can use tone tags if u want but u don’t have to use them around me

• if u can pls recommend me some hobbies or shows or whatever that I can get into bcuz my life is pretty boring rn

• I have two cats AND THEY R MADE OUT OF 100% SILLINESS

• U can tell me to shut if I get too annoying

anyways bye I’ll update soon take care <33


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