Banana_Kandi's Profile

Currently perfecting a mask pattern.

Saturday Jan 19, 2013, 10:26 PM





Last online: 9-16-2020 7:52pm
  • Oklahoma, USA
  • Profile Views: 7,816

Banana_Kandi's Friends

Hey! I just got into Kndi around the 11th of January. I love monkeys, and everything about them! I've been jewelry making since September of 2012, but I wanted to learn how to do stitch beading. I had a bunch of pony beads in my closet, and I figured that doing it big scale would help. Coincidentally, that Wednesday at my church someone was wearing a few singles. I was really confused as to why people would wear simple jewelry like that, it had baffled me for a while. When I asked her, she explained it to me, and I came back next week (January 16th) with a cuff. That's my story, and now I'm absolutely obsessed!

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