Tohmathenameless's Profile



Old School Member


Last online: 8-20-2016 8:56pm
  • Gender: female
  • Tempe, Arizona, United States
  • Profile Views: 3,757

Tohmathenameless's Friends

Nobody has added me as a friend yet :(

Hello I'm Tohma! Have a look around, get to know me a little. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. In regards to my designs: You may do WHATEVER you want with the designs that appear publicly. This includes editing them, as all my designs are to MY personal size and tastes. All I ask is that if they appear on the internet, you give credit where credit is due.

Tohmathenameless's Published Patterns

Displaying 1-8 of 8 patterns

Tohmathenameless's Other Patterns

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