Maliciousscampers's Profile





Last online: 6-11-2018 2:34am
  • Gender: male
  • Somewhere, Georgia, MURRICA
  • Profile Views: 3,665

Maliciousscampers's Friends

My name is Jeff. I'm 22 years old. I've been Wiccan since January 2011 and I've been a vegetarian since September 2014. I have three beautiful cat children (Scampers, Jill, and Temmie) and a wonderful boyfriend (hopefully soon-to-be husband). I don't really wear any kandi, but I love making cuffs because it helps with my anxiety. Feel free to message me any time! I may not reply right away, but I'm going to try and be more active on this website.

Blessed Be )o(

Maliciousscampers's Published Patterns

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