Starskie's Profile

How is everyone?

Saturday May 30, 2015, 7:58 PM





Last online: 7-16-2016 7:53pm
  • Gender: female
  • Nevada , United States
  • Profile Views: 1,457

Starskie's Friends

Hello there! My name is Star. I love heavy metal, indie, classic rock, and punk rock. Pink Floyd is my favorite band. My favorite show is Rick and Morty. I'm a huge movie buff. My favorite would have to be Kill Bill. I also love horror movies and musicals (but let's not talk about that xD) If I had to have a label, I guess it would be geek since of all the things I'm into are geeky things like video games, SciFi, etc. Plz no h8 bb. If you ever wanna talk about anime, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Pokemans, music, dreams, goals...anything really...just hit me up! I love meeting new people and helping them.


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