Venussundew's Profile

uncrustables yippee

Wednesday Jun 5, 2024, 3:08 PM




Last online: 6-16-2024 10:45pm
  • Gender: Genderfluid (they/it/he)
  • Somewhere Small, Wyoming, Usa
  • Profile Views: 778

Venussundew's Friends

hi my name is corvid you can call me corvi here's some things about me

I'm genderfluid I use they/it/he +neo pronouns

neos I use bird/eel/kidd/nim/void/zom

I'm autistic and highly anxious

I like to draw, write and play video games

my current hyper fixations are fnaf, Minecraft, hyennas and painted dogs

Venussundew's Published Patterns

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Venussundew's Other Patterns

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