Homemadedynamite's Profile

"If all your little advertisements aren't purged from our systems by the time I get back from the Gamma Quadrant, I will come to Quark's, and believe me, I will have fun."

Monday Feb 12, 2024, 10:36 AM




  • Gender: kira nerys stan account (any/all including neopronouns - switch it up too. have fun )
  • Deep Space 9, Bajoran System, Alpha Quadrant
  • Profile Views: 2,644

Homemadedynamite's Friends

queer system. chronologically 17

  • for all intents and purposes i guess you could consider me nonbinary or genderfluid. i dont think too hard about it anymore because everyone is correct but also wrong
  • i switch between i/we (singluar/plural pronouns) but usually use singular ones for clarity

i like star trek. i've seen most of TOS, all of TNG, Voyager, DS9, Picard and Enterprise and I’m currently watching Discover

Homemadedynamite's Photos

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