SkeryLobsterz's Profile




Last online: 7-02-2024 6:19am
  • Gender: Queer (It/its & she/her)
  • Jožinova Bažina, Czech Republic
  • Profile Views: 2,661

SkeryLobsterz's Friends


-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

⁠❥ about me:

tedy ❀ she/her & it/its ❀ 18

i'm very normal about mcr (not really)

current faves & other interests:

⁠❥ music: mcr (they've been my hyperfixation for the past 4 years...yikes), fob

⁠❥ media: spider-man, slashers

uhhh uhhh uhh gonna finish this later

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

take care, xoxo

SkeryLobsterz's Published Patterns

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