Darling_Elliot's Profile

Makin a bunch of perler necklaces

Monday Jan 10, 2022, 9:47 AM




Last online: 8-08-2023 3:25pm
  • Gender: transmasc (He/Him/It)
  • My Grave, Somewhere
  • Profile Views: 681

Darling_Elliot's Friends

Hello! I'm Elliot, or you can call me Odette, Mikan, Inkyu, or wtvr!



i listen to mostly metal, vocaloid, and the stardew valley soundtrack

im a satanic witch with only a couple months of practice under my belt

my current hyperfixations are animal crossing, harvest moon, and horror movies



  • homophobes
  • transphobes
  • ableists
  • misogynists
  • anti-xenos/neos
  • trumpies
  • terf/supporters
  • all/blue lives matter
  • proshippers
  • truscums
  • pagan haters



  • please use sarcasm, joke, platonic, connotative, and anger indicators where it's unclear
  • if you mention something i like, i will most likely send you an entire paragraph abt it
  • im not super active here so i might not respond right away
  • im a minor and not looking for a relationship, so please don't flirt or anything like that


Darling_Elliot's Published Patterns

Potted Birb
  • 456
  • 1

Darling_Elliot's Other Patterns

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