Kirbapy's Profile




Last online: 12-13-2023 10:11am
  • Gender: :3 (he/zie/xie/pup + any pronouns besides she/they/it*)
  • Profile Views: 458

Kirbapy's Friends

Hi, I'm Verdant! I've always admired kandi since I was a kid but wasn't able to get into it until my later years now. Mostly make singles and the occasional cuff, but I'd love to work my way up (within what's affordable and fathomable to me). Just here to have fun and look at all the cool stuff!

(*people who identify as both masculine and feminine, male and female, guy and girl, etc. at the same time (such as in a lot of bigender people) are loved and encouraged to use she or they for me!)

Kirbapy's Published Patterns

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