Did you kandi ever break in a public place?

Deleted Account 12/3/2012 03:37 pm 5812

Ok so my mom took me to this fancy restaurant and I was wearing about 15 singles. Well, I got up to go to the bathroom and one of them exploded. I went to pick it up but I tripped and fell. THEN, my other singles got caught in something and they ALL broke. Beads were everywhere. Then I tried to pick them all up and someone said " people like you shouldn't be here." Then I was like AWWW HECK NOOOO! But yeah I never got those beads back. So did anything like that ever happen to you?

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Mar 7, 2013 6:35 pm
One time in class, i didnt know one of my big multi cuffs had come untied at the top and when i got up to do a presentation, beads started to fall everywhere and everyone laughed :/ then the teacher made me sweep them up..
  • uNIveRsE_jeWsE
Mar 7, 2013 11:04 am
THAT SOUNDS AWFUL!!! I think I would've started crying crying I had a 3d cuff explode at a rave once... it was very sad but everyone around me was like awn you poor thing and started giving me singles and necklaces and stuff so a bad thing turned into me meeting like 12 new people happy
Mar 6, 2013 10:35 pm
In high school I was trying to get off the bus to get to school in the morning, and as I slid my backpack onto my kandi loaded arm, someone tried to push past me off the bus, and my arm got caught between him and my backpack and all my kandi broke. My bus driver was really nice about it and helped me pick it up, but I had pockets full of beads that day!
  • Xenon
Mar 6, 2013 4:36 pm
That's horrible that the person said that. >sad Seriously, how inconsiderate. But yeah, I was at a rave wearing LOADS of kandi, and after trading with people and dancing, my left arm suddenly felt a tad bit less cramped, so I look at it and I see a piece of elastic around my forearm and beads EVERYWHERE. That was one of my favorites, too... T-T
Mar 6, 2013 10:46 am
two of my big cuffs broke at school and all of my friends helped me pick up the beads. I need to fix them >.>
Feb 19, 2013 3:59 pm
one time (a few years ago) I was sitting in class wearing a kandi necklace that looped around my neck a couple times, like it was really long. I had a bad habit of playing with it incessantly, and every one was reading individually, so it was dead silent when my huge kandi necklace shattered all of the place >_< it was ridiculous, but I've never had a tone of kandi break at the same time.
  • imnotokay_i_promise
Feb 19, 2013 11:55 am
wow, i havent had that many pieces break. but i have had things break like if i play with them a lot, or if they get caught on something. try making your kandi with .7mm string, because .5mm seems to break easier.
Feb 17, 2013 9:47 pm
i've had one or two break but not 25 O_O Usually when I glowstring or hoop at parties.
  • Steffazi
Feb 17, 2013 6:43 pm
ive had it happen numerous times and with a kandi skirt and at edc. I made a kandi bikini, tops and bottoms, to wear for the first day there. Managed 4 hrs in the car driving to the festival and about two hrs walking around and dancing in them. well I went to go sit on the grass and make plans with friends when I hear a snap! the crotch piece had busted on it u.u worst piece of kandi I could ever have break on me and the worst moment ever. I ended up wearing my sisters shorts for the rest of the night. ive given up on bikini bottoms since then.
  • Purple_Unicorn
Feb 17, 2013 4:46 pm
i think this had happened to everyone! i was wearing a simple rainbow cuff and during math class all of a sudden it like popped in half the whole class kept calling me witch the rest of the month and also that lady was extremely rude to say "people like you shouldn't be here" just because we wear kandi doesn't mean we aren't normal people