Did you kandi ever break in a public place?

Deleted Account 12/3/2012 03:37 pm 5809

Ok so my mom took me to this fancy restaurant and I was wearing about 15 singles. Well, I got up to go to the bathroom and one of them exploded. I went to pick it up but I tripped and fell. THEN, my other singles got caught in something and they ALL broke. Beads were everywhere. Then I tried to pick them all up and someone said " people like you shouldn't be here." Then I was like AWWW HECK NOOOO! But yeah I never got those beads back. So did anything like that ever happen to you?

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Dec 4, 2012 12:15 pm
I honestly have never had anything break on me...Well except for a small row in my 3D but only ,like, 15 beads were on that string and I was in my garage. But I'm sorry that happened sad and some people are just...UGH! I mean "People like you shouldn't be here."?! REALLY? It gets me so mad >.< angry
  • Ecliipse
Dec 4, 2012 12:31 pm
I was skating... Wearing a ton of single and a cuff, I believe and my friends finger snagged on my 'Ecliipse' single and it snapped... We dove for the beads, she apoplogized a million times, and I said it was alright as I held in the tears. Nobody ever said I didn't belong there though. That only happens at school when I wear something (although it doesn't snap) xD
  • Panicking4fun
Dec 4, 2012 1:43 pm
My friend was looking at and playing with my Pokemon logo cuff during band class, and it broke on him because the knot gave out... It was my fault so I apologized for making him feel guilty sad It really wasn't a big deal though, I fixed it right as I got home happy
Dec 4, 2012 1:56 pm
at Fresh Anniversary 2008 two of my singles snapped, but it was just because I was still using Stretch Magic then :/ it wasn't a big deal though. they didn't take long to make.
Dec 4, 2012 3:02 pm
like two years ago i had in-school-suspention and i was wearing a small peyote bow as a ring and it exploded out of nowhere sad
  • ixlikextrainsxkid
Dec 4, 2012 5:02 pm
i was wearing a necklace with a beenie baby bat on it in biology last yr, and out of nowhere the string broke and beads rolled everywhere. the whole class and the teacher started laughing, which was cool cuz i was too XD. Oh, also yesterday i was wearing my kandi ugg boots (i stiched a giant xbase around the top of both my boots) and as my friend went to try them on, a knot broke, and the whole thing came loose. thank the Good Lord though, that the knot was from when i added on string, so it was still long and it was fixable....
Dec 4, 2012 5:03 pm
"People like you shouldn't be here"? What? People who wear beads?
Dec 4, 2012 5:41 pm
My Pikachu bag broke at an anime con...people were so nice and helped me clean them up
  • PlushKnuckles
Dec 4, 2012 6:25 pm
I made a mini deadpool themed octopus thing for my ex and he broke it on purpose >:c it got me soooo mad and i was humiliated when it happened.
Dec 5, 2012 2:24 pm
"leelitheunicorn": "People like you shouldn't be here"? What? People who wear beads? That's what I thought! I would have been like "People like me? Do you even KNOW me?"