Fellow Alterhumans ? X3

Voydhund 6/16/2024 11:21 am 188

How many other alterhumans are on this silly bead site.. tell me about yourselves !! What are your 'types? Do you have gear? Do you do Quads? Do you have irl alterhuman friends? 513b395262371_eyeroll.gif51485f23d9e7b_beating-heart.gif

I'm a dogkin ambitherian + holothere, ive got 2 tails [A black one i bought and a red merle one i made], i do quads and have 4 other therian friends :3 X3 5148668e75dbd_animal02.gif

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Jun 19, 2024 9:08 am

@Cinnamorolling_InMyGrave_: so in that case then ya im an alterhuman, my fictonkins are:
sonic (I have so many memories from various games and series')
an enderman (a lot of my memories are in the nether, mostly the crimson forests if that means anything)
a purple crewmate(yes from among us I get the most questions about this one TnT but I have few memories but I do remember that the "imposter" ended up being the yellow one-)
jack from dsaf (my most vivid memory was while me and dave were coming back from vegas [we both were d3athly drvnk don't ask me why-] he was driving and I was in the passenger seat, I was talking about what I'm gonna have to do when I get back to the pizzeria. I'm guessing he didn't keep his eyes on the road and we ended up driving off of the road, I remember that the road was a curve on the side of a cliff and a sadly ended up dy1ng-)
parappa the rapper (the only memory I have of this one though is the picnic and getting my drivers license kao sick )
the dancing banana host from shovelwares brain game kao lol (i have many. many. many. many. memories from this one its wild)
(quick question about fictionkins am i the only one who physically gets exhausted when like remembering things from different characters and when im starting to get a new fictionkin??)

im also a racoon and jackel therian-

Jun 18, 2024 8:10 pm

opposum therian here !! sadly no gear, but i do occasionally do quads when I'm home alone . no therian friends , I'm the only one :'D

Jun 18, 2024 7:38 pm
Jun 18, 2024 3:00 pm

are fictionkinz (the type where u like remember stuff and all that cool whiz) conzidered alterhumanz? if zo then I have...alot.

Jun 18, 2024 2:29 pm

HAIHAI!! I’m a Therian and my theriotypes are a silver fox and Turkish van cat ^ ^
I made myself a silver fox mask and I’m currently working on a Turkish van mask and I am hoping to get a fox tail later this year! happy

Jun 18, 2024 1:04 pm

I'm a therian and fallen angel kin! My theriotypes are wolf dog, husky, and snow leopard! I have an angel mask, a husky mask, a snow leopard mask, a calico cat mask (js for fun), and 2 tails! 1 I bought and 1 I made <3 I have 2 irl therian/alterhuman friends ^^ I do quads, but I'm new to it so I'm kinda bad kao sick

Jun 18, 2024 12:12 pm

tongue therian!

Jun 18, 2024 11:57 am

hi!! so my theriotype is a gray fox and while i don't have gear yet i do do quads!!

Jun 17, 2024 4:25 pm

Hiiii it’s cool to see other alterhumans here :0 my theriotypes a makenzie valley wolf (very unique ik :p) I have a few tails but the one I wear most is black with a white tip.

Jun 17, 2024 6:31 am

hai!! I finally got gear, shes more of a fursona tho @.@ shes a tuxedo cat with Green eyes and pink accents!!