Claireismatic's Profile

Have a nice day everybody!! :D

Sunday Nov 15, 2020, 12:35 PM




Last online: 4-30-2024 11:19pm

Claireismatic's Friends

Claire || 19 || She/Her || I love girls so much I could die

Hi, I'm Claire and I think you're GREAT! ^w^

I'm new here but I love seeing everyone's amazing work!! :D I've been in the scene for like a decade and I'm so happy to see little social pockets where it's still alive and thriving.


I love making friends so if you ever wanna say hi or hang out or tell me about the stuff you like or vent something out I'm here! <3 PLUR for everyone and everything! Have fun and love each other! <33

P.S. If I sent you a friend request and you don't wanna accept it no pressure!! Especially if you're not comfy being friends with someone 18+ I totally understand. I just like to add people :3

Claireismatic's Published Patterns

Displaying 1-8 of 8 patterns
  • 596
  • 0
Smash Ball
  • 745
  • 0
Ghost Town
  • 517
  • 0
Cheer Bear
  • 596
  • 0
  • 1110
  • 0
Split Pretzel
  • 2363
  • 0

Claireismatic's Other Patterns

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Displaying 1-1 of 1 result.
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